Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

these would be sellable with color huh?


Paper Fractals

this one balances right on my fingertip

Some New Paper Art

I guess I'm the inventor of this 'paper fractal' kind of art

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dogs At The Shop

These two dogs have strong character to the both of them. Here's some shots I got today using my video phone function while they were whining to be let go(as usual). Working at a grooming shop, I get to see funny and sad dogs all the time.

Stereo and Triereo Photos

These two pictures are fake 3D, only appearing to be 3D on the flat surface. I use a 3 megapixel phone-cam. The tri-ereo pic is three different images and 'can' be stereo viewed in a series, but the last one is hard and not so beautiful to view; one thought, How many different pictures can be viewed using just these three?"